Scientist in lab

We are a passionate and fearless team, driven by science and committed to addressing the needs of the most vulnerable patients. We pride ourselves on showing respect to everyone within our company, partner organisations, supporters and beyond.

Scientist in lab

Centauri – An Investors in People Certified company

We are proud to be an ‘Investors in People’ certified workplace. This certification, awarded to Centauri in 2024, is a recognition of our commitment to live by our values, to nurture and respect our people by creating a rewarding and collaborative environment to work in.

Investors in People logo


Centauri is an equal opportunities employer, considering any applicants for job vacancies without discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or any other factors prohibited by law.

Please check at a future date to see if there are recruitment opportunities available.

Find our recruitment privacy policy here.

Scientist in lab